Simulation and optimizion of shredderprocesses
Apple Inc.
Manufacturing of flat pressure probes
AUDI Germany
Flat pressure sensors for wind tunnel, optimisation of coating processes
Aurubis AG
Lay out and design of cyclone separartors
Development and manufacturing of flat pressure sensors
Design and lay out of a cyclon separator
Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbH
Optimization of a cyclone separator
Continental Automotive GmbH
Optimization of a particle laden flow
Die Bahn AG
Investigation of flows in trains
Diehl Aviation
Separator optimisation, aerosol particle sizing
Dürr Systems GmbH
Separator lay out
General Motors
Manufacturing and delivery of flat pressure probes
Honda Racing HPD Inc.
Manufacturing and delivery of flat pressure probes
IAV Ingenieurgesellschaft für Auto und Verkehr
Theoretical investigation of motor gas flows
Knauf Insulation GmbH
Process optimization of multi phase flows
Koenig & Bauer AG
Fluidmechanical optimisation of a cleaning facility of a printing machine
Optimisation of multiple phase flows
Manufacturing and delivery of flat pressure probes
Liebherr-Werk Telfs GmbH
Development and manufacturing of flat pressure probes
Lindemann Germany
Simulation and optimizion of shredderprocesses
Development and manufacturing of flat pressure sensors
MAHLE Composants Moteur France SAS
Optimization of coating processes
Megware Computer GmbH
Thermal optimisation of computer housings
Münzing Micro Technologies GmbH
Optimization of spraying processes
OSRAM Opto Semiconductors
Spray analysis and optimisation
Metso Lindemann
Lay out and optimisation of separators
Numerical optimisation of coal particle transport in burners
Porsche AG
Development and manufacturing of flat pressure sensors
Rolls-Royce Solutions GmbH
Laseroptical spray analyses
Airbus Defence and Space GmbH
Lay out and design of particle separators
Sauber F1 Team
Development and manufacturing of flat pressure sensors
Siemens FGT GmbH & Co. KG
Design and tests of spraying lances
Stadtwerke Chemnitz AG
Modelling of flows in power
technotrans SE
Modelling of flows in power
Thyssen Krupp Rasselstein GmbH
Investigations on multiphase flows and flow optimizations
Thyssen Krupp Uhde
Fundamental investigations of fluid mechanical problems
Thyssen Krupp Polysius AG
PDA spray analysis
Thyssen Krupp Presta Camshafts
Investigations on droplet separation
Volkwagen AG, Werk Salzgitter
Analysis and optimisation of particle separators
Optimisation of coating processes
Development and manufacturing of flat pressure probes
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